Double tap

 Winning the way to Hun Loa, Bloodknot VC has been ordered to take the Bridge at Chou River and the Village of Bollo, thus enabling The Company to perform the siege of the city.

The closing stages to Bloodknots and Bangwollops second scrap

The losses from the above, Bangwollop suffering more than half his force in losses has no choice but to withdraw.

Securing the siege. 

Bangwollop is back to hound the Burgundy Company.

With Bloodknot at the fore the Company roll forward wining the bridge and then ready to take the town, by this point the Zhang have already taken enough losses to signal defeat, but this is an objective fight! 

The dust clears from the action on the right, Bloodknot can be seen galloping toward Bangwollop!  Company secures the bridge and makes its way into Bollo, non the wiser of Bloodknots coming fate.

The Company secure the locations unfortunately Bloodknot does not live to see this victory and badly wounded Bangwollop is helped to escape.
( at the end of the game I rolled a classic die roll; results of one and command were dead dead ).

With two wins and a draw the Company have a solid grasp to continue adventure in Inchin. Going up to double ground and using the spread of forces as intended has made everything more interesting and the performance rewards, well just all round, excellent!  I’ve been stuck in the mentality that I could not represent the game scaled down like this how wrong was I ?!?  

What next ? Well, some more colonial action of course!  The temptation in trying other periods from the book is strong though, so I will just see what fun comes of it.


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