Self and others

 Bit more downtime here, making sure those close to me are ok, focusing on family.  A couple of days thinking of wargaming and getting inspiration should cure my blues.  

Why and where does this “funk” come from I have no idea.  Sure things are tough at the moment but I’m coping, mainly I have to I’m a parent, secondly because I know I have something hobby related to do.   

It seems like us “creative types” get this a lot, this does seem to be a thinkers problems and with out being rude “non thinkers “ do not seem to have the same problems, I envy them for their obliviousness. Of course you have the wonderful attitude of “screw it” I envy them too for their nonchalance.

I’m told that exercise is a great cure, so I need to start some basic exercise and I fancy shadow boxing.


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