Womble report 10

 Managed to get out today after two days legs up by order of the doctor.  A slow walk but non the less fun.

Great display for the day from local model shop Turners Models a most excellent place rammed full of goodies, and fond memories for me, as thats where all this gaming really kicked off for me!

Turners Models Dover Kent

Passing the charity shops I spied this little thing that piqued my interest, I felt sorry for it, as it was the last of the display.

A nice surprise on opening….

All in! And as usual I have something planned for this Womble find.

Finally I added two more (last two on the shelves), to the micro Star Wars collection.  Not quite the rare “chase” figures but more rebels!  My partner warned me of foul play on the seals and I suspect her correct! So I will be checking the seals and reporting findings to the store, if they even care? We will see.
And one day I shall game, my children are already noticing and saying which ones they like, so just one day time permitting “pew pew”


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