
Where is my mind?

 Recently been working on some 28mm skirmish miniatures.  Finding ways to make things less demanding was great, got to talk with some hobby people on line and in the local haunts.  I was given a lot of golden ideas and gleaned a lot of great advice.  Started to collect resource’s slowly, most donated/given and from magazine fronts.   The main theme I am going for is the grim dark fantasy and weird futures, reading through Trench Crusade, I eagerly await a chance to play with these rules they look quick, easy and fun.  The theme lends itself well to narrative play and is perfect for the time and area I have.

Keep calm and Womble on

  Well my children, well, the boys are enjoying action figure play time with Daddy.  Seems like at twelve plus for my daughter this is unnecessary and childish, which is fine, although I have told her that her imagination and story telling when she was playing was very good.  Which earned a maybe next time then Dad.  In truth I think she would enjoy RPGS, which may be a good call in the future.  My last attempt at wargaming was great I created a fantastic map for the Russo-Japan war, but once again when presenting it too you I ran into a couple of problems, it was just not photogenic enough to document clearly, in-fact because of how I had to produce the pieces I could hardly see what was what. Feeling a little disappointed and frustrated wargaming wise, truth be told.  I have decided to opt for some reading and fighting fantasy to give me something to do.  I remember starting Flashman at the charge which was very entertaining.

Pen to swords

 After a rather uneventful period of gaming I decided to try my hand at a fictional scuffle between some Welsh, Saxons and Vikings.  I first had the Saxons on the offensive at the boarders “Ravens peak”. This saw the Saxon forces fighting through the enemy only to be called to defend a Viking raid. The Saxons faced quite overwhelming odds and secured their path to face the threat of the northmen.  They have a fair size force to meet the Viking raiders but leave the mighty Owain alive at Ravens hills, could this be a mistake? Only time will tell! I decided to fall back on a game of 3x3 portable wargame for the raid, as I could not get the right feel out of the off set square route.  The poor Saxons were a bit out of breath and time but got there to do something at least. The Saxons race to Sandway only to find the Vikings already there! Taking their vengeance out on Ivars force they could not quite get to Bjorn’s force who had the time to escape with loot! The Saxons of Wessex will prob


 Being a collector does not come to me naturally, I kind of talk myself out of it quite a bit.  Having had to pack away projects and things I love for life’s little uncertainties affirms that.  Every time I feel comfortable with a certain “thing” the joys of it are snapped out of reach, or taken away entirely.   I will never be a serious collector, more of a grab it while it’s there.  These Star Wars micro galaxy squadron fit this bill well, especially these blind boxes.  Scarily I have 26 now! The good news is they are quite storable and portable.   Series 2 assortment  Series 4 assortment  Series 4 assortment. These have been quite difficult to find in the wild a good hunt around is required and a lot of luck, now bare in mind I’ve probably missed a series or two (they are on I think series 6?). I am of course trialing my “accident rules” for play with these and sort of close to something on the first play, though… there is another way. I have been watching some toy hunters on YouTub

Ship Ahoy!

 So I have repurposed the old Battleships game by “merit” and used my slimmed down “accident rules” to play a simple game. The battleships locator divides handily into a grid (fancy that…), the ships easily marker penned black team and red team. To make sure I knew who’s scores was who’s, I made sure above the draw deck (the right hand side) I would place red above it and black below.. To the left hand side we have a deck made of all jack, queen, kings and on the right hand side we have a deck made up from all 1-10 cards.  From this left hand deck a card is flipped and depending on colour that is who moves first and for firing shows the lucky extra draw type for firing. From the above example the red jack show red team moves first followed by black team.  For the gun fire seems that black has scored well 5 or more and has damaged red team by floatation point.  I figured as per Battleships they should have 3 floatation points, a move of 1 square and a gun range of 4 squares.  The great

Womble report 10

 Managed to get out today after two days legs up by order of the doctor.  A slow walk but non the less fun. Great display for the day from local model shop Turners Models a most excellent place rammed full of goodies, and fond memories for me, as thats where all this gaming really kicked off for me! Turners Models Dover Kent Passing the charity shops I spied this little thing that piqued my interest, I felt sorry for it, as it was the last of the display. A nice surprise on opening…. All in! And as usual I have something planned for this Womble find. Finally I added two more (last two on the shelves), to the micro Star Wars collection.  Not quite the rare “chase” figures but more rebels!  My partner warned me of foul play on the seals and I suspect her correct! So I will be checking the seals and reporting findings to the store, if they even care? We will see. And one day I shall game, my children are already noticing and saying which ones they like, so just one day time permitting “pe

Battle for Melonia 4

 Dizeli forcing Soranto to battle.  This was fought in the hilly region south of Nomi.  Soranto was doing really well (bottom cards).  He had hold of a strong line however Dizeli’s knowledge of the area and mastery of reserves proved vital, quickly gaining the centre and left flank proved too devastating for Soranto.  Dizeli pushed his trap further and the Melonia cavalry captured Soranto in the far pass. Final hand using my accident rules, they worked very well for this, the results clear as day and much fun.  I thought back to what Archduke Piccolo said and thought I really fancy carrying on just to see what can be done with the cards and my accident rules. Next up Capo Beani soon finds he has made a very big mistake after launching his trap at the beach front.  His Gun and Horse all but useless could not keep up with the manoeuvring of the Broccolian force a very well drilled and disciplined fighting force.  Forming line, supporting troops moving up the beach. The few foot left of t