Womble report 8/radar 5

 Recently in checks at charity shops and similar establishments all have drawn a blank.  I suppose like some addicted sop, I am awaiting my next big score.  For now my chits and maps are doing me fine.

My testing of “Barker squared” goes ahead, it’s not going bad, just with one size fits all you miss on the subtle nuances, ie; if recoiling they will definitely be Destroyed if not able to pass through.  The different base depths give an added chance for good management. On grid it’s a very static experience so far.

Viking vs Breton.

Having a look through my humble game selection for the next big thrill.  It will have to be simple and quick, maybe a bit of sham-style battles?  Still got the D&D stuff, but that’s a bit intense for where the brain is now.

On the Radar:

Noticed some quirky figures from Ral Partha Europe newsletter, which inevitably lead to a window shop.

Not very cost effect buy for me, (given the circumstances very frivolous),  an attempt at making the laundrette experience a little more palatable….its still sealed as 
Little one decided to wake early from nap. I missed out on Billhooks and just thought I would have a look at what is new. 


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